HSGA launches YouTube video of Hawaii culture and cooking in an imu.


The Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association’s mission is to support, improve and strengthen Hawaii’s sheep and goat community by providing a network, coordinating educational and promotional events and serving as a unified voice to represent sheep and goat producers in Hawaii.  The focus of our educational and promotional work to foster and encourage the breeding, raising, showing and marketing of sheep and goats and sheep and goat products as well as good grazing management.  

NEW 2025 Memberships:
IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! Renew your HSGA membership or sign up for your first!


Localkine cookbook demonstrates how to cook lamb in imu.

Support local agriculture and try out our new cookbook. Section on how to build and use an imu is included.

LocalKine cookbooks to be sent to those signing up for 2021 HSGA membership. Link below is for buying additional copies.
Pickup your cookbook(s) or ship?

Leaping forward

Many members came to the 2020 HSGA luncheon and workshop held at Kahua Ranch on Leap day, February 29, 2020

Gone to State Farm Fair 2019

During the Hawaii State Farm Fair at Kualoa Ranch on Oahu in July, HSGA board members promoted our  sheep and goat industry to many visitors. Several asked where to purchase sheep or goats and also where to find local meat products.  If you as a seller have interest in being promoted at Taste of the Range in Waimea this September and at the Hawaii Ag conference in October, then please renew your membership or join HSGA if you haven’t done so already.  The Hawaii Ag conference is expected to draw 600 attendees from across the state. 

2019 Workshop with Dr. Christie Balcomb

Over 40 attendees came to the Parasite Management Workshop with Dr. Christie Balcomb in June 2019.  Most came away with their certificates to do FAMACHA scoring on their sheep and goats.  Some snapshots of this event.

Dr. Christie Balcomb presented a parasite management slideshow. In the afternoon at Ahuloa Hog Farm, she demonstrated the use of FAMCHA cards to monitor sheep health. Participants received their FAMCHA certificates.

2018 Sheep and Goat workshop

Oct 2018

The Sheep and Goat Care 101 slideshow.

2018 Membership dinner

February 2018

HSGA hosted the Taste of Lamb event at Anna Ranch, Waimea. Members enjoyed the lamb dinner, meeting new friends, and many won prizes from the local businesses.

Shearing Clinic

September 2017

 About 80 Hampshire and Suffolk cross sheep were sheared by Loren Opstedahl (majority) and participants (minority) in the sheep shearing clinic held at Ahualoa Hog Farm in September 2017.  See our shearing equipment loan policy if you need to shear your own sheep.

Stock Dog demonstration

 June 2017

Ray Aina whistled and guided his dog to gather a herd of goats. They did many other herding jobs inside and outside the corral. It was held in June at Paahana Livestock corral.


The Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association’s mission is to support, improve and strengthen Hawaii’s sheep and goat community by providing a network, coordinating educational and promotional events and serving as a unified voice to represent sheep and goat producers in Hawaii.  The focus of our educational and promotional work to foster and encourage the breeding, raising, showing and marketing of sheep and goats and sheep and goat products as well as good grazing management.  


Try us free for one year!

ALL MEMBERSHIP FEES WAIVED TO JOIN HSGA IN 2025. Please fill out your membership contact form here.

New member registration runs from January 1st through May 31st. After that new member registration is closed until January of the next year. Descriptions of membership types are listed later on this page. Payments can be made by mail to Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association 75-5851 Kuakini Hwy 165, Kailua Kona, 96740

Once you join our email list you will be notified when future member registration fees are due in 2026 and receive HSGA’s updates.

What does membership offer?

~ Annual workshop, topics include shearing, animal care and more

~ Listing and photos of your farm is promoted on our website (contact bsheep234 at yahoo.com)

~ Shearing equipment available for a fee.  See our loaning policy.

Our Membership types


– Any producer of sheep or goats who has an interest in sheep or goats in the state of Hawai’i can become a member.  Each member agrees to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association and must pay such membership fees and meet such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.   Membership in the Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association will have one vote per membership.


–  Any youth members active in FFA or 4-H desiring membership in the Association


– Any person, firm or organization interested in the advancement of educational and promotional work in connection with the production and marketing of sheep or goats and sheep or goat products may become an associate member by filing an application for such membership, obtaining due approval by the Board of Directors and submitting payment of prescribed dues.


– Any family farm or corporate farm or business involved in sheep and goat production, processing or marketing can become a member.  The Corporate Membership can be applied to up to four people discounted workshop rates.


 We encourage all those interested in the organization to join.  When you join, you will receive a monthly periodical, the Sheep Industry News, which is published by the American Sheep Industry (ASI) Association.   The publication has many interesting articles including health related topics, legislative issues, and events happening on a national level.   Keep informed about the sheep industry on a National level!
Also if you would like additional publications from ASI on lamb recipes, processing, meat cuts, wool production, etc.  As a member, we would be more than happy to send these to you.
ASI is also in the process of starting a Goat Committee as a national organization for goat owners as well.